Tomatoes are one of the plants that we grow every year. They grow pretty easily, we eat loads of them, and we seem to have accumulated packets and packets of tomato seeds over the years. It would be silly of us not to grow them each year. But it does mean that every year, at about this time, we end up with a surplice of unripened tomato's. And every year I mean to do something with them.
And every year I forget.
Well, not this year!
This year me and my Mother made Green Tomato Chutney.
We combined a number of different recipes, because none sounded like they were quite what we fancied. So this is our own made up recipe.
175g Light Brown Sugar
150ml of White Wine Vinegar
1 Onion
1 Carrot
4 Garlic Cloves
3cm of Root Ginger
1 Dried red chilli
600g of mostly Green Tomatoes, with a few Red Tomatoes to make up the weight.
1tsp Fenugreek Seeds
1tsp Corriander Seeds
1tsp Cumin Seeds
2 tsp of Black Mustard Seeds
The Seeds from inside 2 Cardamom Pods.
1. We fried all the Spices, except from one of the tsp of mustard seeds, in a dry pan for a couple of minutes until they began to crackle.
3. We fried the chopped Onion and Carrot in a little oil until soft.
4. We added the spices to the Onion and Carrot.
5. We added the Garlic to the frying mixture.
6. Then, in went all the Tomatoes and the Brown Sugar.
8. Closely followed by the White Wine Vinegar.
9. We then grated in the Ginger, and added the chopped up Chilli.
10. After about 30 mins to an hour of letting it simmer we added the other tsp of Mustard Seeds.
10. It was then a case of letting it simmer for around another hour or two.
11. Then, once it had cooled a bit, we transferred it into sterilised glass jars.
One of which we will let mature for a couple of months, the other, we've already tucked into... with crusty bread and cheese.